Earl Grey tea - bergamot

Bergamot and Earl Grey tea!

Bergamot orange is an inedible fragrant fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow color similar to a lemon.  The extract has an elusive fresh flavour that’s difficult to describe.  It’s most commonly used to flavor Earl Grey tea but can also add a delicious floral, citrusy note to baked goods, ice cream, beverages and vinaigrettes.

You can find it at some specialist baking stores (order arôme concentré bergamote from Mora Paris online as I did) or on Amazon (be careful not to buy the massage essential oil).  You could use lemon, orange or orange blossom water instead to flavour your cakes, but I do recommend the bergamot as it’s very special.

If you don’t have bergamot extract handy then your other option is to break open a few Earl Grey tea bags and incorporate the dust in your cake!!  I did this recently to make a loaf cake and was delighted with the resulting lovely bergamot citrus flavour.  The black specks are the tea by the way, not poppy seeds.

Earl grey and lemon loaf cake

Earl grey and lemon loaf cake

The cake was delicious and loved by many friends.  Bergamot also pairs beautifully with chocolate.

Chocolate and bergamot charlotte russe

Chocolate and bergamot charlotte russe

So why not go on a lovely bergamot or Earl Grey adventure … ?  🙂


