Spelt crêpes recipe and some pancake humour!

Celebration cakes, Healthy cakes and snacks

Pre-Pancake Day greetings to you, sweet or savoury eater!  Would you like to practise crêpe-flipping for Shrove or Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras)?  To help you out the Sesame Street Swedish chef will be giving a video demonstration later!  🙂  But seriously, these spelt crêpes are lovely, made with oatmilk and greek yoghurt.  You can use plain flour if you prefer, but spelt is so tasty and easy to digest that you should give it a twirl!  Logistically, it also means you can eat more crêpes!  Aha…


Spelt crêpes

Ingredients (makes about ten 24 to 25cm diametre crêpes and takes less than 45 minutes, but feel free to simultaneously do washing up or some other stuff if you like multi-tasking!)

  • 150g/1 cup and 5 level tsp white spelt flour (or plain/all-purpose)
  • one tsp Stevia (sugar substitute in powdered form) or 10g caster sugar (if you’re making savoury crêpes then just a pinch of Stevia/sugar)
  • half tsp fine sea salt
  • 2 medium-sized egg (total: 110 to 120g)
  • 300g/1 cup and 3 and a half tablespoons oatmilk (unsweetened) or some other kind milk
  • 40g/2 and a half tablespoons natural greek-style yoghurt
  • 40g/3 tablespoons butter, melted (hot)
  • some butter to grease the pancake pan
  1. Melt the butter over low heat.
  2. Whisk the flour, salt and Stevia together.
  3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the egg and a little of the oatmilk.
  4. Whisk from the middle outwards to blend the flour in gradually.
  5. Then add the rest of the oatmilk and the yoghurt, and whisk till smooth.
  6. Finally, add the hot melted butter and whisk.  DSCF5378
  7. Let the batter have a little rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.  If it’s a bit thick when it comes out, stir in a little more milk.
  8. Grease your non-stick pancake pan with butter and take off the excess with kitchen paper.DSCF5379
  9. Put the pan on medium heat and when it is hot add a little ladle or pot of batter.  Swirl the pan around to spread the batter all around the base.  Tip:  have a small container with the exact amount you need (through trial and error) and this really helps you get even pancakes, all of the same size.                             DSCF5392
  10. After a few minutes, if the bottom has browned and cooked enough, flip your little crêpe and cook the other side.  DSCF5383

Here is an alternative and much more interesting method, as demonstrated by this week’s star guest, the Swedish Chef Flappen Jacken Hooten:

Hee hee …  🙂

You can serve your crêpes (or skinny pancakes) immediately with sugar and lemon, or maple syrup and fruit, or that classic:  ham and cheese (cured ham! cured ham! – that’s my stomach making suggestions).DSCF5425DSCF5428Or if you’re feeling ambitious you can keep them piled up on a plate to make a mille crêpes cake!  Hmm, I wonder if I could make one of those now…


A pile of crepes!

So happy flipping and eating crêpes or pancakes sweet reader!  Keep calm and flip, and may the pancake pan be with you…

See you soon! 🙂

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Baking on Sundays with my French mum was a lovely part of my childhood. Later I experimented with baking books or internet recipes and did the pâtisserie course at Le Cordon Bleu Paris. Still trying out new recipes and inventing cakes with influences from all around the world, including some healthier ones. Yes, love cakes!!! Hope you'll love them too and have fun baking. :)

28 thoughts on “Spelt crêpes recipe and some pancake humour!”

    • Thank you – so happy to hear that! You’ll be pleased to know then that Chef Flappen Jacken Hooten has been so popular today he might just get invited back…! 🙂


  1. I don’t know what it is about crepes, but my chances are 50/50 whether or not I can pull them off! Perhaps your tip about having a pre-portioned amount to add to the pan would help me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Michelle! I think the amount thing does help, but I know what you mean. I actually killed one of my pancakes today because the pancake was soft and it started breaking up before I could turn it (it’s in the bin). So I kept calm and positive (sounds a bit twee but it did help), checked the batter was liquid but not too much, lowered the heat a tiny bit and for the next pancake just waited longer before flipping. I think this batter might help you because it has melted butter in it. Hope it works out for you – I’m sure you’ll be eating lots of pancakes soon! 🙂 Sorry, when I say pancake, I mean crepe – it’s the same thing for me!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. claudette says:

    Here in London we are having American pancakes with bacon and maple syrup…and I am off to France with Hugo!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the Swedish Chef!!! He his hands used to creep me out however. It is not right to have human hands on a puppet. The crepes, however, don’t creep me out in anyway. They look delicious. I will be trying them out as soon as I can get my hands on some spelt flour.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I see what you mean about his hands, and yes pretty weird!!! Brilliant chef though! 🙂 I’m happy you’ll be trying the spelt crepes – happy flipping! 🙂


  4. Pingback: Spelt crêpes with ginger bananas from the Seychelles (a recipe for the Pick the World event!) | lili's cakes

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