Top posts 2017 at lilis cakes

Happy new year!!! Top posts in 2017 and baking projects for 2018… And how are healthier and vegan cakes doing? :)

Cake challenges, Cake news

Hello there fellow cake people!  Hope you’re having a lovely 2018!  It’s time for new year’s resolutions … um in my case a list of cakes I’d like to make this year!  Yay!  First looking back at 2017 in the featured photo above you can see last year’s top nine posts with the most views while the runner-up posts are below, numbered 10 to 18.  Many of these starred in last year’s top 18 too but there are some interesting newbies and the basics section’s still getting a good share of visits!

Runner-up posts 2017 at lilis cakes

Here’s a screenshot of the stats (the posts and pages are listed with links at the bottom).  If you’re not keen on figures please just look at the photos.  🙂

Top nine posts 2017 at lili's cakes2017 Top posts no. 10-18 at lili's cakes

Neutral mirror glaze (to cover tarts or mousse cakes) has stayed on top.  The simplicity of the ingredients is handy:  just sugar, water and gelatine.  Some cakes are still popular from people saving them on Pinterest:  the macarons, Dreams of Florence and Moka gâteau.  But most people who visit have done google searches, often looking for instructions to make basic elements like pastry and the newly popular raspberry jelly layer, meringue discs and caramel mirror glaze.  Caramel…yum.  The Black Forest gâteau is another newbie along with the ‘slightly healthier’ walnut, coffee and carrot cake.

Healthier cakes?  Vegan?

Last year I often went off piste from the classics experimenting with healthier desserts and a few vegan cakes.  Only one of these made it to the top 18 but ranking according to the number of ‘likes’ received from WordPress people (my fellow bloggers) shows a different story!!!  The screenshot below shows the vegan chocolate layer cake top left as the most liked, followed by healthier pink grapefruit or plum almond tarts, vegan chocolate cupcakes, fruit puff pastry tarts with healthier options, healthy chocolate brownies, healthier pineapple tarts, Moroccan chicken pie, and Black Forest gâteau.

Most-liked posts 2017


Um some bloggers are experimental healthy eaters?  I imagine different factors make recipes popular:  usefulness, good photo, visibility on google, clear tagging, good timing or making classics people search for.  It’s amazing how food trends like macarons flood social media.  Anyway in the end stats are stats and variable, but cake is always cake.  So enough nostalgia looking back at my little babies… err cakes I mean.  Now to plan this year’s baking spree and posts…

Big cake plans!

I managed to post many cakes from my to-do list last year (see top posts 2016) but not the croquembouche.  Okay, I admit I’m scared of it… eek!  So this year I’ll face my fears and make it along with other stuff that may often be ‘healthier’ (my body’s saying ‘thank you, thank you!’) which could mean gluten-free, lower-gluten, refined sugar free or lower sugar.  I enjoy experimenting with vegan cakes and aquafaba too.  But let’s not give up yummy decadent cakes for the new year.  I suggest sharing bakes or freezing them and having small slices or portions.  This year I’m using the word ‘mini’ in my plan!  Lol.  Here’s the dream list in no particular order (why oh why did I put the croquembouche at the top?!):

Psst…I’m ticking things I’ve made as I go along and adding links to the posts in case you’re interested.  Plus it’ll help me feel a sense of achievement and see what I have left to do! 🙂

Some stuff is already in progress (or in the freezer) but needs further testing or posting.  Here are the photos and list:

Cake plans

  • Mandarin dream log cake – ‘Mazing mandarin mousse cake   √
  • Merveille praline log cake
  • Mini galette des rois soleil (king cake in sun form) – mandarin and almond filling
  • Mandarin and chestnut mont-blancs (with Gavottes wafer bases)
  • Praline chocolate bars

More cake plans

  • Apple entremets (with caramel mousse and apple compote inside)
  • Lower-gluten or spelt plaited brioche  
  • Bostocks (almond French toast)
  • Healthier pink grapefruit meringue tarts
  • Glutenfree savoury salmon and redcurrant loaf cake

Oh my.  Maybe I got a bit carried away!  Oops.  Let me know if there are any favourites you’d like to try out soon.  Do you have any other cake suggestions?

Now I suppose I’d better be off and start working on this to-do list!!!  You see I’ve been a bit distracted by the festivities and holiday with mum in Sicily, where there were some lovely cakes and inspiration …

Cake testing in Sicily

Mum’s still here visiting me in Barcelona.  She’s as great and enthusiastic a cake tester as ever and we’re having fun around Catalunya whenever I’m not working.  Though our wine and cava (champagne) tour all day yesterday slowed us down a little.  Ahem. 🙂

Wine and cava testing in Penedes, Catalunya

Before I amble off to finally make cakes please have a slice of healthier apricot sunshine mousse cake.  It’s one of my favourites from last year because it was ‘pâtisserie’ delicious but ‘healthier’.  Kind of my dream really.

Apricot sunshine mousse cake

So farewell and happy new year again dear reader!!!  What are your plans for 2018?  Hope you enjoy lots of lovely baking, cooking, eating and sharing this year!  🙂  Lili x

P.S.  Here’s that list of the top 18 with links (click on the recipe):

  1. Neutral mirror glaze (nappage neutre)
  2. Savoury goats cheese macarons with fig, walnut and black sesame
  3. Easy fresh raspberry jelly layer/insert for tarts and mousse cakes
  4. Caramel mirror glaze
  5. Dreams of Florence caramel and raspberry dome cakes
  6. Chinese baozi (steamed bun) dough recipe
  7. Gâteau Moka
  8. Citrus cotton soft Japanese cheesecake
  9. Inverted or inverse puff pastry
  10. Italian meringue macaron shells
  11. French meringue discs and nests
  12. Genoise sponge
  13. Lining a French tart ring with pastry and blind baking
  14. Traditional Black Forest gâteau recipe with pastry layer
  15. Traditional Monas de Pascua – Spanish Easter egg bread
  16. Ispahan raspberry, rose and lychee cupcakes
  17. Swedish princess cake
  18. Slightly healthier coffee and walnut cake with carrot

And photos of the latest experiments are up on my instagram account if you’re interested.

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Baking on Sundays with my French mum was a lovely part of my childhood. Later I experimented with baking books or internet recipes and did the pâtisserie course at Le Cordon Bleu Paris. Still trying out new recipes and inventing cakes with influences from all around the world, including some healthier ones. Yes, love cakes!!! Hope you'll love them too and have fun baking. :)

8 thoughts on “Happy new year!!! Top posts in 2017 and baking projects for 2018… And how are healthier and vegan cakes doing? :)”

    • Aw thank you Megala! Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2018 too! Also looking forward to seeing more of your delicious dishes this year. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Deborah! 😍Hoping if there are flops I’ll learn from them at least. 🙂 Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2018 too! And look forward to seeing more of your amazing photos. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy New Year Lili! Oh I constantly have lists of things I want to try making: they grow and grow and it’s only every so often that I might cross something off. So I’m impressed by the restraint that you showed in your list (as in it’s not 200 items), but I’m even more so impressed that you actually accomplish most of it! 🙂 xx
    (And that little picture of the apple entremets–they’re so cute!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you and happy new year to you Laurie! 😍 Can’t wait to see your 2018 bakes – good to know I’m not the only one with a long baking to-do list. 200 items though!!! 😂 You always have great new experimental yummy ideas. Looking forward to them. 🙂 xx
      P.s. I must work on those apple entremets again soon… thanks for the encouragement.


  2. Greedyeats -Neha says:

    Oh gorgeous all these bakes look. I am salivating all over my keyboard sighting these cakes. Wonderful each of them looks.


  3. Pingback: Happy new year!!! Top posts in 2017 and baking projects for 2018… And how are healthier and vegan cakes doing? :) | homethoughtsfromabroad626

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